Training & Development

Equip your team with the skills for success. Our training programs empower your staff with essential IT knowledge and best practices.

At Webhorse Technologies, we understand the importance of equipping your team with the skills for success. Our Training & Development services are designed to empower your staff with essential IT knowledge and best practices. With our comprehensive training programs, we ensure that your team is equipped to handle the challenges of the digital era.

Why Choose Our Training & Development Services?

When it comes to training and development, Webhorse Technologies stands out from the crowd. We offer a range of tailored programs that are designed to meet the unique needs of your organization. Whether you are looking to enhance the technical skills of your IT team or provide basic IT training to your employees, we have got you covered.

Our team of experienced trainers are experts in their respective fields and are well-versed in the latest industry trends and technologies. They have a deep understanding of the challenges faced by organizations in the Canadian Arctic and can provide practical insights and solutions to address them. With our training programs, you can be confident that your team will receive the highest quality education and acquire the skills necessary to excel in their roles.

Our Comprehensive Training Programs

At Webhorse Technologies, we offer a wide range of training programs to cater to the diverse needs of our clients. Some of our key training areas include:

1. IT Fundamentals

Our IT Fundamentals training program is designed to provide a solid foundation in IT concepts and terminology. This program is ideal for employees who are new to the world of IT or those who require a refresher on the basics. We cover topics such as hardware, software, networks, and security, ensuring that your team has a solid understanding of the fundamental principles of IT.

2. Cybersecurity Awareness

In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity is of utmost importance. Our Cybersecurity Awareness training program aims to educate your team about the various threats and risks associated with cyberattacks. We cover topics such as phishing, malware, social engineering, and best practices for protecting sensitive information. By raising awareness and providing practical tips, we help your team become the first line of defense against cyber threats.

3. Advanced IT Skills

For organizations looking to enhance the technical skills of their IT team, our Advanced IT Skills training program is the perfect choice. We offer training in areas such as network administration, cloud computing, database management, and programming. Our trainers are industry experts who provide hands-on training and practical exercises to ensure that your team gains the necessary skills to tackle complex IT challenges.

4. IT Project Management

Managing IT projects can be a daunting task. Our IT Project Management training program equips your team with the knowledge and skills required to successfully plan, execute, and manage IT projects. We cover topics such as project planning, risk management, stakeholder communication, and quality assurance. With our training, your team will be able to deliver IT projects on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of stakeholders.

5. Customized Training

We understand that every organization has unique training needs. That's why we offer customized training programs that are tailored to meet your specific requirements. Whether you need training on a specific software application, IT process, or industry-specific technology, our team can develop a program that addresses your organization's specific needs.


At Webhorse Technologies, we believe that investing in the training and development of your team is key to achieving success in the digital age. Our Training & Development services are designed to empower your staff with the essential IT knowledge and skills they need to excel in their roles. With our comprehensive training programs and experienced trainers, you can be confident that your team will be equipped to handle the challenges of the ever-evolving IT landscape.